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needbasedThe Trust is committed towards making Najafgarh a better place. It implies better living conditions, safe and sanitary surroundings and civic amenities. We believe that upliftment is a word that resonates with positivity and hope. In short, it signals betterment, improvement and change in status quo. This is what the Trust aims to do when it comes to living conditions in its area of work.

The Trust has undertaken several initiatives to make living conditions better by enhancing and providing civic amenities. While some involve people’s participation, others take huge effort to move the government machinery. It often requires a huge amount of tenacity and will to get little changes made, and once accomplished; these very changes have a huge impact on the daily lives of people. These include installation of a water tank to provide potable water to the residents, enabling respectable last rites to the departed by securing a dedicated site for cremation ground, making commute safe and trouble free by relocating electricity poles from middle of the roads.

These activities do not fall under a particular program, and often require huge amount of activism and advocacy to accomplish. But once done, it makes a big difference to the daily lives of people.

The Trust does not believe in selective benefit of only those who live in Najafgarh; its heart beats for the entire nation. The Trust mobilized relief material for the people affected by Kashmir floods and participated in the rally for better governance and corruption free India at Jantar Mantar, Delhi.

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