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healthHealth is a basic precondition to a happy life. To make health available to all is the motto of the health program run by the Trust. This program enables people to keep a check on their health and reach hospitals in time during emergency.

Health Checks

The Trust organizes Free Health Check Camps with the help of experts from renowned hospitals of Delhi. These camps offer consultation in the areas of ENT, Dentistry, Orthopedics, Pediatrics, Gynecology along with BP & sugar test, ECG and general consultation.

In 13 such camps held over last two years, approximately 428 residents of various villages of Najafgarh got a basic health check done.

24X7 Ambulance Service

Among the many lacunas in health care, the Trust recognized the need for transport for people in urgent need of care. To bridge this gap between the needy and medical care, the Trust offers free ambulance service for people. Stationed at the Trust office, the ambulance aids the needy in time of emergency, especially to help pregnant women reach hospital during the time of delivery.

Yog Shivir

Periodically, the Trust organizes YogShivirs. These are conducted by qualified yogacharya and have seen enthusiastic participation from people. Guided by the enriched experience of the yogacharya, participants learn yogasana, clarify their doubts and learn about healthy and holistic lifestyle.

In last two years, two such camps have been organized with a total participation of about 428 citizens of Najafgarh.

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