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Home / Encouraging Kids Creativity

encouragingA little encouragement at the right time goes a long way in encouraging a child to continue education. The Trust’s initiatives gently persuade a child on this path.

Art and Craft Classes

Activities like drawing and calligraphy have proved to be a huge step in the direction of offering a venue for enhancing creativity. Not only does it harness the children’s interest, it offers them an engaging medium for post-school hours. This activity also provides them a positive and healthy medium of self-expression.

Through various drawing and painting competitions, the Trust keeps their interest and the zeal to do better alive. Approximately 219 children have attended these classes so far.

Computer Classes

The Trust recognizes the fact that mere classroom education is not enough for an all-round development. To make extra-curricular activities available to children who may not have access to good schools, the Trust offers Computer Education classes to the children. This program catches them young, builds their interest towards technology and helps them keep in touch with the times.

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